Monday, July 12, 2010

Fang Island.

I know this group has been around for a while now, but I am really into this album and I had to share it with you all. It's called Fang Island, by Fang Island. No reason for me to write something clever about this one, the band already did that for me:

The band got its name from an article in The Onion. Guitarist Jason Bartell recalled, "I think it was just a funny blip about Donald Rumsfeld having a secret hideaway, and it was on Fang Island. We like how it was sort of this, like, fictional space that we imagined our music was played on". The band describes their sound as "everyone high-fiving everyone" and their goal, according to Bartell, is to "make music for people who like music".

Look them up, buy the album and enjoy it.

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